4 Health Careers That Focus on Addiction Recovery
Addiction recovery is an area of specialization in the health care field that helps people get their lives back on track. People who enter this career field do so out of the desire to help others overcome their addictions and get the most out of life. These four health careers focus on addiction recovery and aim to help each person who struggles with drug or alcohol misuse to learn healthy living strategies that improve their wellbeing.
Detox Support Specialists
When a person first enters drug or alcohol addiction treatment, they usually come with a physical dependency upon the substances that they use. Trying to quit using drugs or alcohol leads to withdrawal symptoms that require monitoring from health care professionals. Detox support specialists monitor the patient’s initial withdrawal symptoms and offer comfort strategies to get them through this first and most challenging phase of recovery.
Addiction Treatment Counselors
Addiction treatment counselors specialize in helping people to understand the underlying reasons for their addiction. They use strategies that include intensive counseling and other forms of therapy to help patients understand why they use drugs or alcohol in the first place. If you work at an addiction recovery treatment center, you may be tasked with helping those with addictions with rehabilitation and regaining life skills as well.
Life Coaches and Vocational Counselors
Once people begin working through their addiction, they often encounter challenges with their current lifestyle that need to be addressed. For instance, someone might have lost their job due to addiction and need help finding a new career path. A person may also be unsure of how to begin rebuilding their family or social life. Vocational counselors and life coaches help people to identify and take steps to pursue their goals.
Sober Companions
A sober companion is someone who helps people continue to avoid using drugs or alcohol after they leave the treatment program. These companions may accompany people who are still in the early stages of recovery to events where they may be tempted to use again such as parties or work events. A sober companion usually undergoes some level of formal training to be eligible to work in their position, and they help to encourage people to continue with their after care plan by attending group counseling sessions.
As more people develop addictions to opiates and other substances, the health care field continues to need professionals to provide support during treatment programs. The first step toward entering this career field is to have a strong desire to be sober and help others to fulfill their goal of sobriety. With the right combination of empathy and education, anyone can become a professional that serves in the addiction recovery community.
Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan
Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.