13 Résumé Mistakes
by Ruth Pankratz
An impressive résumé communicates a cohesive story about a professional. Every detail on a page contributes to the résumé while helping hiring managers quickly decide who to select for an interview. Avoid the following résumé mistakes.
- Inaccurate and incomplete contact information.
- Using an outdated résumé template with generic content.
- Creating résumé content that is not applicant tracking system (ATS) friendly.
- Selecting a difficult to read font.
- Overuse of bold and italic fonts.
- Emphasizing information using UPPERCASE LETTERS.
- Omitting work dates and other important dates.
- Not correcting poor grammar, spelling errors, and misused words.
- Including profanity, inappropriate statements, and unprofessional slang.
- Use of inappropriate graphics.
- Stating lies or overinflated achievements.
- Applying for jobs with an unfocused résumé.
- Only posting the résumé online and doing nothing else.
- Forgetting to bring a copy of the résumé to the interview.
By understanding that résumés are marketing documents, most mistakes can be easily corrected to create a targeted and effective résumé.
Ruth Pankratz is an international Master Résumé Writer, dual certified résumé writer, certified interview coach, and job search coach. Her résumés have won international awards and Ruth’s cover letters, résumés, and LinkedIn profiles have been included in a variety of publications. Contact Ruth at GabbyCommunications.com.
Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.